Friday, May 14, 2010

3 Things

School is over! Can I officially say I’m a historian now? Well, maybe not but I’ll pretend. When the whole fam is here in July we’ll have a big party to celebrate my graduation and Jeremy’s graduation and we’re all excited to see the cake Becky is concocting. I hear it’ll combine our nerdiness perfectly! (I’m a history nerd and Jeremy is a math/physics nerd - you might not want to get either of us started...) So, here are a few thoughts about my journey through school:

3 things I will miss about school:

*The learning. Yeah, yeah, I know I can always keep learning but I love the classroom. Crazy, I know. But it’s just different than picking up a book and I’ll miss it.

*Access to knowledge - sounds the same but here I mean that while I was in school I could access databases and books from around the country and had so much information at my fingertips. Now I can still find plenty of info but it’s harder and could sometimes be expensive.

*The light rail. What!? Actually what I liked was listening to talks or stories on my iPod while commuting back and forth.

3 things I’m happy to be done with:

*Deadlines and tests! I’m one of those crazy people who doesn’t mind writing papers, it’s the deadlines I hate or the weird rules some prof’s have.

*Kids who don’t really want to be in school, couldn’t care less about their education and say things like, “I want to get a job w/the government so I don’t have to work hard and I’ll make the big bucks but won’t be pressured.” (Dead serious! A guy in one of my classes said that a few weeks ago. And I’m not sure why he thinks he’ll make big bucks in the gov’t but whatever... Nothing like a drive to succeed.)

*Uber liberal teachers (“I mean, do any of you actually still go to church?” Actual quote! Heard more than once in various forms from many teachers.)

3 ways I’ve been blessed during school:

*I’ve had so much support from my family - from living with me (this is often not easy), to editing my papers, to cheering me on, to eating freezer meals every night for weeks, and so many other ways.

*Support from my friends has also been a huge blessing! How many times have Kathy, Gloria, and Linda canceled meetings or taken me off the visits list so I could focus on my studies? (A lot!) And so many friends that have made me feel loved and appreciated along the way!

*I have a testimony that when we serve the Lord He will make up the time for us. I cannot tell you how many times I’ve been amazed that I’ve been able to meet a deadline or pass a test that I was way too tired to study effectively for. There really is no way I should have been able to do all I’ve been able to do and I know that the Lord has blessed me and made up the difference.

3 favorite classes:

*Civil War


*Nazi Germany (rise & fall of Nazi Germany, etc. - not b/c I'm psycho or anything)

3 favorite areas of history:

*Revolutionary War

*Civil War


3 things I’m looking forward to:

*Reading whatever I want!

*Unwinding and breathing - at least for a little while.

*I’m still a little fuzzy about this idea but I think when I go to work I won’t have hours of homework at night, right? That could be nice. I actually won’t know what to do with myself!


Celeste said...

Yeah!! You're such a star to be done withi your undergrad. Enjoy your summer and can't wait to see the cake.

Tammy said...

Congratulations Carrie! I'm so glad that you decided to move back home and finish school so that I could meet you. I think you handled the stress of school very well...but then again, I wasn't living with you. Ha! I hope you have a fun summer reading fun books!

Mandy said...

You are certainly a testament to the Lord helping you through things! Way to persevere and do so with honors! We love you and are ready for you to move back to Utah. :)

Becky said...

Yea for being done with school! And I completely agree w/ what Mandy said! Oh, except for the moving back to Utah part. Stay here. :)

Megan said...

Since Mandy and Becky seem to be at odds about you moving back to Utah, I'll make the decision easy... you can just move to Texas!!