Friday, August 31, 2007


Justin has a great teacher for Business Fundamentals this year. (Listen for the sarcasm dripping from every syllable!) His name is Mr. Beerman, which is apparently very appropriate. He's spent the last week and a half telling the kids what he's going to teach them, which includes very little in the book because you know, that's just not how real life is. Instead he's going to teach them how to play the stock market and invest because the best thing ever is to get money and not have to do anything. That's only one of the unrealistic dreams he's going to fill their heads with this semester. Don't get me wrong, I know there are tons of people who do quite well in the market and it's not at all a bad thing if done right, the problem is you might want to inject some realistic expectations, hard work, ethics, etc. in these little lessons - you know, the boring stuff that's also part of life.

But, don't worry, it gets better! He's also spent plenty of time telling stories about beer and how cool it is. He even told them how to get out of a DUI. THESE ARE KIDS!!!!!!!! What the heck is WRONG with him??? Not to mention that it is illegal, unethical, morally wrong and stupid to drive drunk and then worse to play games to get out of it! Then he follows up these conversations with "now, you don't need to tell your parents I told you this. This is just between us." Ok buddy, if you have to tell the kids that you know darn well you're in the wrong! Justin didn't want me to say anything because that would be embarrassing, etc. so I was in the difficult place that we parents find ourselves in from time to time. What's more important? Talking to the school about the idiot that's teaching there or protecting Justin from being ridiculed and such from kids who will think he is nooot cool for telling? Seriously both a big deal. My mom-senses were tingling and I just couldn't not pass this little tidbit along to the school so I made an annonymous call and told the assistant principal the problem. He was glad to hear it and I hope that it'll die out without Mr. Beerman making stupid comments to the kids about someone telling on him. Justin doesn't know I called so he shouldn't feel to red in the face if it comes up in class.

I'm telling you, I do not understand how some people have their jobs! Well, I do, and it's called the blasted union, but that's another story for another day...

1 comment:

Tara said...

Whoa, seriously that guy is a whack job. Good job letting the sercret service mama bear take over. Hopefully it will help.