Monday, October 6, 2008


Last night I asked the little boys (my nephews) if they wanted to have a fire in the fire pit. Of course they did! What self-respecting little (or big) boy doesn't want to play with - or near - fire? So we put jackets on and headed outside only find that it was raining. :(   Joshie and Tiernan were really quite upset so Justin explained that the wood was too wet. 

Tiernan, who is 2, said, "Wet's go in da sront yard!" [Let's go in the front yard!]

His big brother Joshie, who has reached the wise age of 4, put his hands in the air, shrugged his shoulders and said, "Tiern, it's raining in the front yard too." Then he made a classic Joshie face that said 'sorry kid, better luck next time!' 

Good thing uncle Nick got there just then! He saved the day, as always, by letting the boys tackle him relentlessly. Poor Nick probably went home with a headache and a sore back but the little guys were sure happy! 


Sue said...

I used to have to warn your Uncle Martin "Save yourself! Never get down on their level!" Little boys think big guys are mostly for tackle practice.
I love the idea that we should go in the 'sront' yard for the 'sire', very logical. What fun they are to have around!

Becky Hanlin said...

Ah, good times! Today at lunch time, Tiernan looked outside and said, "It stopped raining! Now we could have a sire!" He's such a nut! : )

Megan said...

Oh my goodness those two are so stinkin cute!!

Becky said...

And again, today, Tiernan said, "Our sense (fence) is not wet. Rammie's sense is not wet! Wet's have a sire at Rammie's house!" Those boys have really good memories, too!

Carrie said...

Oh no! It's going to rain this weekend too! What are we gonna do? We'll have to think of something else that's so cool to distract them with...