Monday, September 14, 2009

TST Test

In one of my sociology classes we had to take a TST "test" and we're supposed to ask other people to take it as well so that we can see if there are certain links between age groups and some of their answers. Basically this is a social psychological test to determine one's "sense of self." So, I figure this is the easiest way to ask. :) It's really simple - you just answer the question "Who am I?" 20 times. Here's my list (not necessarily in any particular order):

I am:

1. a mother
2. a daughter/sister/aunt
3. a student and historian in training
4. a leader
5. LDS
6. single
7. a friend
8. happy/positive
9. reliable
10. mostly organized
11. not very patient
12. sometimes I'm too quick to judge
13. a museum docent
14. a tired mamma
15. generally shy (unless I have a responsibility that requires me not to be shy - figure that one out)
16. a giver
17. politically conservative
18. a planner
19. a laugher
20. I like to create

So, what's your list? I'll just thank you in advance (Thanks!) because I know you're all just dying to take this test! Right? ;)


Lindsay Jane said...

I started to make a list (got to 8) and then stopped because it made me angry. Something about defining myself always frustrates me - not sure what that means but it's the truth.

. said...

Hmmm, let's see. . . (And for the record, I didn't read yours past the first 2 just so I wasn't swayed by what you wrote).

I am. . .
1) tired
2) a mom
3) busy
4) poor
5) a daughter
6) a sister
7) a wife
8) working hard
9) a teacher
10) a yeller
11) a clean freak
12) a good cook
13) an actor
14) a singer / musician
15) a dancer
16) tired of penny pinching
17) not sure I spend enough time with my kids
18) lucky
19) blessed
20) thankful

Glorious Thoughts said...'s my list. Thanks for making me think....
I am...
1. a daughter of God
2. a mom of 7 children
3. a grandma of 10
4. a sister
5. a Mommy's girl (even though she's not with me right now)
6. compassionate
7. a happy homemaker
8. organized
9. a temple ordinance worker
10. student of the gospel
11. obedient
12. wife
13. a woman who loves being feminine and being a woman
14. someone who loves quilting, cross stitching & handiwork
15. a cook and baker in training
16. a time manager
17. on the go too much
18. a warm weather person
19. a family historian
20. history lover

Mandy said...

1.Trying to fit too much into 5 minutes
2. Mother
3. wife
4. Teacher
6.tired of canning
10.a reader
12.bargain hunter
13.wanting to lose the rest of my baby weight
14.feeling like a teenager with break outs all over my nose and chin
15.out of time...