Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Travel Treasures

It seems like I've traveled a fair amount this summer - no worries, I haven't made it to any exotic locations, just a lot of back and forth... So, I thought I'd share some of my favorite travel gadgets and thingamajigs.

A couple years ago I read this tip in Real Simple magazine and I loved it! Since we live in such a wired world and we have cords for everything they suggested getting a make up bag that is dedicated to cords. That way everything is in one place and no one is freaking out because they can't charge their iPod and phone (if you don't have teenagers yet, just wait... If you do, you know what I'm talking about...) This bag works so well. And it also holds my little book light, which I love and consider essential for travel.

This next one has revolutionized car travel for us! These are SeaBands. They're basically sweatbands you wear on your wrists. The little white ball you see rests on a pressure point (it's turned inside out in the picture) so that you don't get car sickness. And it works! These have made many car rides much happier! Next time I fly I'm going to wear them and see if it takes away that queasy feeling I get on take off and landing. The J and I both have them and so do several of my nieces and nephews and we all swear by them. If you or your kids get motion sickness you've gotta try these out. They're available at your local pharmacy.

This little gem is for hot curling/flat irons. Seriously, that's always the last thing you pack and you're just waiting for it to cool down enough to put in your suitcase without igniting your clothes and that always seems to take forever... This little bag, made by Baggallini, is available at the Container Store. You just put the hot iron in there, close it up, pop it in your suitcase and you're off. So simple and so nice!

Lastly, I found these toothbrush holders at Bed, Bath and Beyond and I love them! Look! It stands up so your toothbrush isn't lying perilously on the edge of the toothbrush holder while you just hope it doesn't end up on the sink or counter of the hotel (or where ever you are). The other option with traditional holders, of course, is to simply put the toothbrush back in the holder and close it up but then it never dries out. Yuck. With this holder you stand it up, the toothbrush stays off the counter and dries out. So much cleaner and less worrisome. I love it.

I love to travel. Mostly I just dream about fabulous places that I'd like to visit some day but when I do travel these are a few of the things that make life a little easier and the trip more pleasant.


Celeste said...

Well, I think you should start a travel tips column in a magazine. These are great things. I have the flat iron holder and LOVE it. And I am going to be getting the toothbrush holder...so much better.

Becky said...

I need to get the curling iron holder. So nice!! Great tips! Thanks! :)

Sue said...

I decided to get 2 extra pairs of Seabands and put one in each of the cars, just in case someone forgets (or throws them or cries because they want them even though they don't really need them, you know, the usual reasons)

Tammy said...

Great ideas Carrie! Those bands didn't work for morning sickness (but then again nothing did) but I want to try them for car sickness. :) I need to get the flat iron holder now that I'm hip and own one. Ha ha!

Randi said...

Love these tips!!
These are going on my Christmas list.