Saturday, January 5, 2008

oh the irony of it all

So, here's a laugh for you. We're having a one time enrichment class on 'creative dating' and I get to help with it. (This is where you start laughing) Do you think it would keep people away to know that the last date I had was almost 2 1/2 years ago? Hmmm... I think they might not have much faith in what we're presenting. Perhaps I can just stay in the background and be in charge of treats. I am good at that!

1 comment:

Em n' clan said...

I miss the Carrie treats...James has started making cookies every Sunday but it's not the same as the random yummies that used to stop by.

James was looking over my shoulder as I read through your blog * hopefully you're seeing this January blog comment posted in May*

How old is justin now? He was born in 1992 or 1993? We couldn't rememeber but we moved when Stuart was newborn and he's coming up on eight... WOW! How time flies!