Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Don't You Love Getting a Surprise in the Mail?

I mean really, who doesn't love getting a little unexpected surprise in the mail? This afternoon I got home from work and thought I'd check the mail on my way in.

I opened the box and just as I was about to reach in I saw, to my great surprise, a snake!! For the record I said, "ooo" but I didn't scream. I thought that was pretty good. And then I promptly moved far, far away from the mailbox. I've seen Indiana Jones and you just never know what these creatures might do!

Now, I'm sure this is a garter snake and they say those are harmless but really I've never had the urge to know that first hand. So I informed Dad and the J that until one of them removes it the mail will stay in the box. (This is a clearly defined "man" job!)

My guess is that those lovely junior high kids thought they'd have a little fun - at my expense. Rude.


Mandy said...

Gasp! I admire your self-control. I'm pretty sure I would have screamed! Hopefully you spoiled their fun with your reaction.

Mandy said...

Ha ha! When I showed Brayden he said, "Who mailed her that?"

Becky said...

That IS a surprise! I think I would've screamed, too. I guess that's one good thing about locked mail boxes. : )

Sue said...

Well you know I would scream! I scream (as you know) for just about anything!
Cute little junior high kids, remember when they started our fence on fire?

Celeste said...

You didn't scream!?? I'm impressed!

. said...

Wow, maybe I'll think twice about sending my little guys out to get the mail - Cassidy would have dropped dead on the spot. And never would go near the mailbox again. Kind of like what happened when she found a spider in the toilet. Yep - so much for potty training for a week.

Chad said...

So I there is snail mail right, and you got SNAKE mail? Did you find a US postage stamp anywhere on the reptile? If so that snake may soon be a collectors item and in a few years I understand that the U.S. Postal service is going out of business along with the Federal Government. Just think you could have earned some nice cash at the antique store.

Megan said...

Oh sick, I totally would have screamed and then run down the street! I am glad my mailbox is right outside my front door... way less likely that I'll find a surprise like that. Yuck!

Catherine said...

I might scream just knowing it happened. Oh my goodness!!! I don't think I'LL be going to get the mail anymore. :)

Steve said...

We have a few stacks of boards in our backyard that I need to move and put all in one stack. I was about to start work on it when Kara told me we had these
Gotta love Copperhead snakes lol. I will be using a rake and my BB gun to flip all the boards over lol.

glodixon said...

We have a snake in our garage and EVERY time I get in or out of my car or go to the freezer, I look for that guy. Now I'm going to be scared to get my mail! Thanks!

Tammy said...

I totally would have screamed!!!! Especially since my mail box is one that you reach your hand down into to check if there's any mail. Oh, that gives me the chills to think of grabbing a snake instead of envelopes.