Friday, June 20, 2008

Some things I've learned...

The last couple weeks have been chaos around here! And amidst the chaos I was reminded of or learned a few new things:

1. New carpet stinks. As in, it smells. And it's a pain in the butt because it's just like you're moving - you have to pack everything up and relocate it so they can remove the old and bring in the new.

2. Toe nails are there for a reason! I was working my way through the mass of relocated furniture, boxes, etc. as the carpet was being installed and stubbed my big toe on something large and heavy and now 1/4 of my toe nail is missing. Toes are very sensitive - to everything - without their little toe nails. And they practically scream "stub me please!" Which is not very nice.

3. When the dentist is removing your wisdom teeth and says, "You won't feel anything but pressure" just know that pressure hurts! Especially when it seems they are going to break your jaw. And a week later I'm still quite tender on that side of my mouth, which I'm told is normal for the circumstances and to expect that to last a while longer...

4. The temple is a great, great place and I need to be better about going.

5. When you find a really, really great enrichment leader that's like a dream come true - she'll move! This might bring you to tears (especially when she says this just days after she put on a super enrichment!) but just know, this too shall pass. And you'll find another leader. She may not be as great as the one who's abandoning camp but almost certainly she'll be great. Right?

6. When you host the enrichment cooking class at your house 2 days after the carpet was put in and you have to move back into the house, clean it, and prepare a bunch of food, it means that you are crazy! And your son will refuse to do any work the day after because you wore him out. In fact, he thinks a week without work would be fair compensation. And he won't care that you are tired too. You'll think your son is crazy and wonder if it's genetic.


monique said...

You are amazing! I'm soooo glad I don't do enrichment. Sorry about your toe and tooth. Some summer!

Tara said...

Crazy... wow, I can't believe you just got your wisdom teeth out! Best wishes with the recovery of the that and the toesie. As for the new carpet... it is one of my MOST favorite smells in the whole world! Especially the smell that comes from the seams. I guess that is what I get from growing up in a carpet household. :)

Megan said...

Haha you ARE crazy!!