Friday, November 21, 2008

Tales from the...

Public restroom! Yes, it's time for some potty talk.  

First, there's a girl in my math class that for some reason I've run into in the bathroom multiple times. (Perhaps that's because I was blessed with a tiny bladder and spend more time in the bathroom than normal people...) This wouldn't be such a big deal except that she doesn't wash her hands! (You notice these things as you stand in line waiting for your turn.) One time she paused in front of the sink, while talking on her cell phone, and then apparently decided that there was no need to wash and she left.  

So, what's the big deal besides the fact that that is sick!? Well, we were grading each others quizzes in math yesterday and mine didn't get handed back in right away so the teacher asked who had it - it was the-girl-who-doesn't-wash-her-hands! Ish! I really wanted to tell her she could just keep it and I'll assume I did ok on it and we'll call it good. I held my tongue but it was a close one.

The other thing I've noticed among random people is even more disgusting! I know, one almost hates to ask what could be worse. I've seen more than one woman come out of the stall, proceed straight to the hand dryer, dry her hands and leave the bathroom. Pause! Let me know if I've forgotten something here (I'm running on less sleep than is recommended) but generally when one dries ones hands doesn't that usually indicate that there was moisture on the hand(s)? And if you just left the toilet stall and did not stop at the sink dare I wonder what is on the hand that needs drying? And, further, if I am correct in my assumptions, then I really wanna know what the heck is wrong with some people that they would dry pee on their hands to save themselves the trouble and time (what? one minute if you are really thorough maybe) of washing with soap and water before drying???


Sue said...

Holy Crapola! Now you see what I've been telling you for years! I spend my days in public restrooms (when I'm not working) and it is so amazing to me the women that are so gross that don't mind if you see them leave without washing. Some even stop to fix their hair - heavens! Wouldn't want to have a bad hair day! But then they touch the door handle, the shopping carts, THE FRESH FOOD. EEEWWWW! And the part we don't see is that there's more men who don't wash than women. That must mean all of them. But I don't think I've ever seen anyone dry the "drippings or droppings" left on thier hands after using the toilet. That one is............

Carrie said...

I was wishing Avery was there to say, "Dad! [or Carrie in this case] that girl didn't wash her hands!" really loud!

. said...

Eww, eww, eww! Yeah, I don't think I'd want my quiz back either!

Mandy said...

Oh gross!
I was just thinking of the Avery comment too. Maybe you can learn to throw your voice and say it for her and then the other people in line could all look around wondering...

Randi said...

Yeah, just keep the quiz. No, seriously.


Becky said...

Oh SICK! What is wrong with some people! That's why I wash my hands as soon as I come home from any store. And why we wash produce really well! Ugh!!