Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Falling Leaves

Fall is on its way and I'm pretty excited! I do think the Aspen next door has jumped the gun a little because it's mostly lost all of it's leaves already but nevertheless I'm happy to see the change coming. Some other things I love about fall:

1. Yankee candles that give off delicious fall smells such as pumpkin and fall harvest and mulled cider.  Yum!  I just got a BOGO coupon in the mail for Yankee so maybe I'll go check out their new fall scents...

2. A chill in the air. I love, love, love the cooler weather!!  Here's funny scene I came upon yesterday - my mom and brother sitting in the living room complaining to each other about how freezing cold (they were serious) it was yesterday. Yesterday was 65 degrees out. They'll be good company for each other when it actually does get cold.

3. Most of the girls at school will start to wear more clothes - this is really good!

4. I like to walk through the park in the fall.

5. The leaves.  Who doesn't like the leaves?

Once fall really does arrive I'll probably add to my list but this will tide me over for today.


Adrienne said...

o.k. here's my confession: I wore a sweatshirt all day yesterday.

Sue said...

Hey! It was seriously a very chilly day. Okay, I was wearing capris and no jacket but I didn't put sandals on when I got home because I didn't want seriously cold feet. And I think the three weather forcasts I watched all said it was only 64 yesterday!! BRRRRRR!

Becky said...

Oh man, how long do you think it will be before Mom & Dad buy a place in Arizone for the winter? : )
I am SO excited for the cooler weather! I LOVE IT!!!!! Maybe I'll start taking the dog for walks in the evening, now that it's cooler. : )

Megan said...

Becky I just don't understand you. It's soo much nicer to bask in the warmth of the sun than to freeze your knickers off in the freezing, icy cold, suck the life out of you winter.:)
But I do have to say that I love fall... I just don't like thinking about what comes next!

Carrie said...

Mmm, I love suck-the-life-out-of-you winter! That comes right after fall and I'll be oh so ready for it. No worries, I'm not ready yet but I won't be sad when it arrives...

Becky said...

Um, I think that summer is more of the "suck the life out of you" weather - hot, sticky, stinky, so hot that you can't move. BLAH! And who doesn't love to wake up to everything covered in beautiful, sparkly fresh snow? It's gorgeous! I could go on and on and on, but I'll resist, this one time. : )

Sue said...

Okay, we aren't planning on moving ever and I had to make myself realize last year that I live in Colorado and there's winter here every year. It's not that for the last 54 years I didn't really know that, I guess I just kept a hidden hope that it might not happen this year. So maybe when we go on a mission they'll have mercy and not send us to Iceland or Siberia. Dad doesn't want to go to Africa, I don't want to go to India....but I'm sure there's some other places that might be able to use a deaf (but doesn't sign) Sister and a sometimes confused Elder - how did I get on this subject??????