Wednesday, November 19, 2008

running through my mind

More random thoughts - sorry, that's about all I can handle at the moment.  :)

1. It's a good thing Pepsi products are on sale this week - my stock of Diet Pepsi is dangerously low!

2. Is it ever going to get cold?  Weird, I know.

3. Hmm, how late was it when I typed this paper?  There are a lot of typos...

4. I'm really thankful when I find things that give me hope!

5. After these papers all at once finals will seem like a breeze...  Hopefully. 


Sue said...

Cold? Who wants cold? I've been enjoying pretending we live in a place where it stays nice year round - it makes the holiday's seem a little wierd but I could get used to it....

Megan said...


Sue said...

Pepsi? Who wants Pepsi! What you need is a tall refreshing glass of ice water. Ummmmmm.