Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Molly Brown

I am officially a docent at the Molly Brown House Museum in Denver and I led my first tours this morning. I was worried about what I'd forget but it turned out really well. And my first tour of the day only had two ladies which really was perfect because it allowed me to get into a groove and feel comfortable. In case your wondering, your throat is really dry after talking non-stop for 45 minutes. I think this might be more of a problem when it's summer and I'm in long sleeves and there's no AC in the house so I'll have to figure out a way to deal with that... Anyway, it was really fun today. And I think it'll be even more enjoyable after my foot is happier. ;)  

Volunteers are invited to various meetings and lectures and so forth so this should be a great networking opportunity for me into the world of museum work.  I'll also be interning this summer at Rock Ledge Ranch, which is near the Garden of the Gods in Colorado Springs. The Molly Brown house is a Victorian era home and one of the buildings at Rock Ledge is Victorian, so I have to come up with a Victorian costume to wear. "Come up with" means sew. And let's be honest, that's not my speciality but I'm about to dive in head first. Wish me luck with the sewing thing (don't worry, Mom has been assigned to be by my side throughout the ordeal). 

I have to share this picture of my birthday cake while we're on the subject:

It's kind of hard to see in this picture but this is a Victorian woman and this cake was so darling! You can check out Becky's cake blog to see better pictures of it. Thanks Becky!! 


Celeste said...

I love it! What a fun birthday cake. Now I want to come to the Molly Brown house and be on one of your tours. I bet you're riveting!

Mandy said...

Yea! You did it! I bet you'll get used to talking for so long or maybe you can sneak some water along? Good luck with the sewing - we'll have to keep each other posted on how we're doing.

Tara said...

Good for you - I like that Molly Brown. Maybe next time when I am out there I can come have a tour from you!
And I'm sorry that I am the worst friend ever and didn't call on your birthday. :6

Sue said...

Hooray! We're ready to dive back into sewing - hopefully the 1978 model Kenmore has a few more years in it. I always know how old my appliances are by who was the baby when I got them. Becky was the sewing machine baby ;) Maybe it can be considered an antique machine making a vintage dress......

Megan said...

Yay! I'm glad the first one went well... and that it was a small group so you could kind of ease into it!:) I hope you have fun with it!

. said...

OHMYGOSH! SOO much fun! I took my fourth graders there every year! You'll be gettin' groups of those soon, I'll bet, as they converge on downtown Denver to explore Colorado History. Sooo, I'm so curious about the 3rd story since I've never been allowed up there. I'm so surprised you didn't title this with her "real" name - I guess people wouldn't get it, huh? I'm rambling. I'm just so excited for you!

Becky said...

Yea! I"m so glad you're "official" now!! I'm totally going to come down for one of your tours! : )
Um, by the way, Mom is not allowed to refer to the 1978 machine as an antique yet. I totally resent that remark! Sheesh! : )

Randi said...

I am totally coming down there now! It's something I've always wanted to do!!

But I'm going to wait until you have your dress all done!