Monday, March 30, 2009

Under the Knife

I had surgery on my foot on March 20th and here are some thoughts from the process...

* Anyone who intentionally has surgery (basically meaning people who have plastic surgery, cause that's the only kind I consider totally optional) is crazy! C-R-A-Z-Y.

* Trust the nurses. When the doc says "you'll be up in no time!" and the nurses say "you'll be moving real slow and it'll be painful for a few weeks"  -  the nurses are right.

* Wearing a "shower boot" over the bandaged foot can make showering interesting.  And it makes shaving impossible in the shower (well I couldn't have supported myself on one foot anyway) so I had to use my crappy little electric razor. Did I mention how crappy it is? 

*And my right leg said "YES" on it for several days. (They write 'yes' on the leg so they operate on the correct limb. I think that's a good plan.)

* It was kind of nice to have that forced vacation where I really couldn't do anything. (well, ok, it'd be much more fun to do nothing on a beach with happy feet that don't hurt but I'll take what I can...) It was over spring break so I didn't have to be anywhere either. I read books that had nothing to do with school (well until Friday anyway) and watched movies.  I also made this necklace and bracelet set for Becky:

Here's a better shot of the necklace:

* After I reminded Justin that my room is in the basement he was very attentive and helpful. :) 

*And finally here's today's update... I had the stitches taken out and I still have to wear a surgical shoe but no bandage and no more shower boot.  Yeah.  Not that I can stand on my right leg alone yet but this is progress.

My foot is quite a bit more red and swollen than the doc would like so I have to elevate it above my heart and ice it 2-3 times a day and hope that I can avoid an infection. I'm not too sure how I'll do that 2-3 times a day on school days but I'll figure something out. Apparently this is part of the reason that it still hurts as much as it does.

And for those of you who like icky pictures, here's what my foot looks like today. Be warned - it's not pretty! I fondly refer to it as my Frankenstein foot.


Celeste said...

Ouch!! You poor thing...that looks really painful. I think writing "yes" on your foot is a very good idea.

Lindsay Jane said...

A) thank you for the list. I echo your sentiments. B) your foot is nasty. Don't take that thing out in public uncovered for a while. But have hope, it will get better quickly.

Megan said...

Oooh you said your foot didn't even look bad!!

Megan said...

Oh and I like the necklace!

. said...

I'm so sorry - that looks very sore! I hope you heal up quickly!

Mandy said...

Eww! Hopefully all will go well without getting infected. Elevate, elevate! Maybe you could ask the person in front of you in class if they mind you putting your foot on their shoulder...

Sue said...

Well, let me just say this: I actually thought they had to cut your toe off to scrape it out and do whatever they did and then sew it back on. Dad couldn't believe I'm that weird, this is why I'm not a doctor. This and because I don't even like to cut up meat, how could I cut up a person! And thanks to Becky's sign in the kitchen "Don't forget about Carrie - she needs to eat too!" We didn't forget to bring you food (well not very often). I guess this is why your crip tick is good for more than a week ;)

Becky said...

Tiernan was fascinated by the Frankenstein pictures. He said, "And some of the buh-lud is out on the huge band-aid!" Then I clicked away from it and he said he wanted to see it again! I think Mandy's idea to put you foot on your classmate's shoulder is an excllent one! : ) I hope you get better soon though!!

Becky said...

Oh, and I love love love the necklace!! : ) Thanks!!!!!

"Q" said...

owwww! It looks itchy. Just owwwww!
You'll be glad it was done ...after awhile(:( poor Carie!

"Q" said...

Oh, "Q" is Susan C.

Trisha said...

I hope you did okay in classes this week and hope it's healing well for you.