Tuesday, March 3, 2009

The Wasp

It seems that sitting outside at school (I have a rather long break between classes) may not be my best plan this semester.  Last week I got a sunburn. Hey! It really hurt! Then today I was sitting in class, before it started, and the guy behind me said "Don't move" and put his hands on my shoulders.  
"You have a bee on your back.  You aren't allergic are you?"  
"Well, actually it's a huge wasp."
"Oh." (I mean, what else can I say?) 
Then he said to stand up slowly and he used his notebook to try to shoo the thing off my back and it really didn't want to go. Maybe I smelled like flowers? Hmm, maybe not... I was a little concerned for a minute that he was going to try and smash it on my back - like he was lining up his notebook for a good hit but he was just angling to get my little yellow jacket friend to leave.

He finally did shove (push, scoot, whatever term you like) it off and the wasp was ticked off! It went tearing around the room - and don't worry, half the class was watching by this point - and we all watched it zoom around the ceiling for awhile. I'm not sure where it went in the end but thankfully it did not end up back on my back. 


Celeste said...

Thank goodness for the kindness of strangers, otherwise you may have been stung! Wait...do wasps sting or is it just bees?

Megan said...

Haha the guy behind you sounds funny! That was nice of him to save you from the bee... those hurt!

Becky said...

I'm glad he shoo'd it away before it stung you! Yuck!!