Thursday, December 11, 2008


As we arrived at school this morning J saw a kid get out of the car in front of us carrying two 12-packs of pop. 

Me - I suppose you were supposed to bring something for German today? (German is the only class that sponsors parties - all the time!)
J - Yeah.  I need you to go to King Soopers and get me 2 12-packs of pop and bring them back.
Me - Why? What is it for?
J - Frau is back.
Me - So you guys all have to bring her pop?
J - No, we're just having a party. Just go get me some pop.
Me - No. I'm studying for finals and I have a cold and I'm tired. I'm sorry you didn't remember.

Several hours later the phone rings.
J - Mom, seriously, I really need you to bring me some pop right now, it's time for German.
Me - Fine. Be waiting outside.

I grabbed the only pop we have that I was willing to give up (i.e. not my diet Pepsi w/lime) and drove to school. J opened the car door and his mouth fell when he saw a 12-pack of lemonade and a 12-pack of Fresca. 

J -Are you serious!?
Me - Yeah, that's all we had.
J - I told you Mt. Dew and Coke.
Me - Did you? (Seriously, I don't remember him saying that at all which I attribute to the cold) Well, this is what I have.
J - Forget it. I'll just tell her I forgot.

I take a couple things away from this story: First is that teachers do not need to ask students to bring in lots of pop (btw, wouldn't one 12-pack be sufficient from one student?) to celebrate her return from a short absence. Second, as much as I would like to hope that J will learn from this, I'm sure he'll mostly remember that I was mean and didn't do exactly what he wanted. It won't even occur to him that he was the irresponsible one, not me. 

I'll just add this to my list of 101 ways to annoy your teenager. It's amazing how fast that list grows...


Sue said...

Ahh, this is the same Frau that "kept" my stainless Revere Ware 13X9 baking pan when Megan had to bring in brownies.
Wow. There must be status in pop. One can only bring acceptable pop or it would be better to arrive popless. How one might be mocked if one were to be seen drinking the wrong pop. So glad J knows the difference....

. said...

Oh man, the things I have to look forward to! Please tell me there are sane moments of being a parent to teenagers! (I'm impressed you went at all - you're a good mom!)

Megan said...

Well yeah! How embarassing to bring lemonade instead of mountain dew!! What a girly drink!;)

Tiffany said...

wow. I can't wait to have a teenager. :)
and I agree with the Pollocks! I can't even believe you went either! You are a nice mom.