Monday, January 19, 2009

Bad Comparison

If I see Obama compared to Abraham Lincoln one more time I'm going to scream!! (So, get ready, I'm sure I'll be screaming very soon...) There's no reason on this green earth to compare the two! What exactly has Obama done yet besides make a series of really bad cabinet and secretary picks and name several czars to regulate things that, really, the government should not so much be involved in? (Are we Russia now by the way?) And, which oppressed people is the new King going to set free? The comparison makes me sick every time I see it. 

I would rather crawl into a hole on coronation day than have to see and hear all day how our savior is here at last. And I just hate to think where we might be in a year or four from now since everyone is so wrapped up in his majesty rather than thinking about actions and consequences. But hey, let's just take one thing at a time and let the man become our all before we worry about what it might mean.

Seriously though, he is NO Lincoln and will never be! So Cut. It. Out. 


Celeste said...

I agree 100 million percent! As soon as I took the newspaper out of the bag yesterday, I grabbed the coupons and threw out the rest of the paper becuase I was so sick of hearing about the perfect, almighty, almost like JFK or Lincoln, "President-Elect" Obama. (Who even knew there was an office of the president-elect before now). I could go on and on about this, but I'll try to refrain.

Sue said...

Amen! I'm in the bury-my-head-in-the-sand mode. I won't read anything about "him" or his family or look at their pictures or watch the news if he's on. I don't want to know. Just like with Clinton - I never listened to him or read anything he said. The adoration is nauseating! Try to remember that pretty much 50% of Americans didn't vote for him. We aren't alone.

Becky said...

I have been avoiding the paper and news because I'm so sick of hearing this crap, and seeing his ugly face plastered everywhere, like he's some kind of savior. Ugh! Puke! And yes, this comparison is just wrong, wrong, wrong. Lincoln is probably turning over in his grave! It's sad that about 50% of us didn't vote for him and yet, here he is, taking over country. : (

Carrie said...

Well, maybe I should clarify... I really don't intend to hide from the news or from what's going on the next few years. I think that it's important to keep abreast of the times and stay informed whether we like the top dog or not. We can never make a difference if we pretend it'll change on its own. I just really am tired of the royalty thing and the Lincoln comparison. :)