Thursday, January 15, 2009

Cookin' Ahead

I made freezer meals again yesterday since school starts next week. I made 2 the day before and I made a few dry meal mixes the week before because clearly I had to have something to display for my "Cooking Ahead" class. And hey, I'm gettin' into the mix thing too and they're so easy.

When all was said and done, I ended up with 22 meals, mostly in the freezer.  I was smart this time, not on purpose mind you, I made shredded BBQ chicken and shredded BBQ beef.  I don't eat beef so the BBQ beef does me no good. (I had thawed too much chicken so I just used it for BBQ. I think I'll do that next time too. 

Now, don't stress, I did not make 20 separate meals yesterday.  I'm able to split lots of the recipes in half because J won't eat much, well, let me check my list...  Um, no, in fact he won't eat any of the meals I made. What does J eat?  That's a good question.  I'll let you know if I ever figure it out.  And I don't eat the ones with beef so really there are only two eaters in that case, so I can make multiple meals from one recipe. Not to mention, a recipe that feeds 8 will easily make 2 meals for us even if we all eat. 

At least one part of me feels ready for school to start again! Which reminds me! I also made a few quick little lunch things, such as Sweet & Sour Chicken, that I can take to school. I'm pretty excited to see how they work because I'll have a long pause between classes (see 'schedule change' post) and I'll need to be better about bringing lunch not just a snacker this semester.  


Tara said...

Impressive Crazy. When you do said "Cooking Ahead" class do you want to send me the recipe handout? :) I have been freezing some of my meals recently and they work well - Chicken Chili, Homeade Chicken Pot Pie (just the mix, then you put it in the pie shell and bake it for 30 min the day of), and manicotti - I just filled the shells with cheese, put them in a pie tin until they froze and then popped them into a ziplock for long term storage. So then you just put them in a pan, toss sauce over them and bake. Anyway, long ramble. :) Point being, I'd love your recipes too!

Becky said...

Looking at our freezer, I'm kinda glad I couldn't come over to cook yesterday. We have NO room. So, next time you do these, I will make sure we have room and I'll come help. I guess that'll be this summer, huh? : )

Randi said...

I love that feeling of having lots of meals in the freezer. It's been years since I've done it, though. Good for you!!

Celeste said...

Wow---you go girl! I really want to do this but I have to get a deep freezer first so I have room. Thanks again for the ideas, tips and recipies!

Lindsay Jane said...

You are impressive. Really, impressive. I would love to be as domestic as you. Someday, when I have a baby or 2, you'll have to come teach me how to be like you.

Anonymous said...

That is the best freezer photo I have ever seen. I'll shoot mine and make you feel really good about yourself!

Mmmmmmmm freezer meals!