Monday, January 12, 2009

Such a Let Down

I got a panini press for Christmas and I'm super excited about it because I make a lot of sandwiches and this will be great.  I haven't had a chance to use it yet so I was excited to get it out tonight and make dinner.  As I was opening it I thought that part of the outside looked as though it had had grease splatters on it that had been wiped off - you know, like on the plastic legs of your griddle?  I figured it was nothing.  Then I opened the press to wash it before I used it.  Um, yeah, good thing!  It's been used!!!  How sick is that?  And what is wrong with people that they return something that they used?  And return it all dirty!  I'm so sad.  Now I hope we can find the receipt so I can go exchange it for a clean, not-previously used one.  Ish. 


Sue said...

I second the Ish.

Becky said...

I third the ish! At least if you can't find the receipt, Target can look it up for you....unless you paid with cash. : (

Tara said...

Ew that is so nasty! Sorry to hear that crazy. But at least I'm glad that Justin has a little tender spot for my baby.

Megan said...

Eww! Actually, you could be grateful the the gross people who used it and then returned it uncleaned, otherwise you probably never would have know it was used before!