Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Schedule Change

Get excited! Since I got an A in math last semester (this is HUGE for me for those of you who don't know) I can skip the last remedial math class and then I'll only have one more math class to take!  That, of course, will be math for non-math majors - why go any deeper in this insipid subject than one has to?  This is cause for celebration.  

But, it also threw a snag in my well planned schedule.  I try to make sure I get home from school about the same time J does because, well, I just want to be here when he's here.  I keep telling myself it makes a difference.  I'm a pretender, what can I say?  So, I was able to drop math-for-dummies but I had one heckuva time scheduling a new class.  This is a new problem for me since I'm not generally in the category of students who wait to the last minute to do things.  The only class that had an opening will mean I won't get home until about 5 twice a week.  I told J the news, knowing that he'd be crushed, and here's what he had to say:

J - You won't get home until 5? - (then under his breath, but only slightly) -  sweet!
Mom - Gasp!
J - I mean, (use your most sarcastic, dripping with fake sympathy voice here), oh noo-oo! 
Mom - Yeah, I know!  It's no fun for you.
J - (same voice as above) - Oh, dang!

The moral of the story is, if you ever want to feel loved or appreciated, just ask you teenager.  :)

1 comment:

Celeste said...

Well, he sounds like a healthy 15 year old boy. =) Congrats on the math class, I hate math too!