Monday, July 20, 2009

Random Carrie

I was tagged to post 10 random things about myself (forever and a day ago!) - so here goes...

1. I *love* office/school supplies! White boards, pens, clips, etc., etc., etc.

2. Don't ask me directions. I have no sense of direction and I get lost going anywhere and everywhere. That whole north, east, south, west thing is ridiculous. I know where the mountains are but when I moved so did the mountains. Then what was I supposed to do? There is no such thing as an internal compass in me. At all.

3. I love to organize and plan things. I guess that fits nicely with #1 doesn't it? I'm not so good at coming up with creative, original ideas but I can help you execute it.

4. I like poison frogs. You know the little dart frogs? They're so cute! I love their bright colors and they're tiny which I always like. I don't want to hold one or get in it's way because I don't want to be poisoned you know, but I do like to admire them from afar. See, look: Cute, huh?

5. If I'm in a bad mood, Elvis can usually fix it. Usually.

6. I don't like red candy. Especially red M&Ms!

7. I'm both fascinated by and terrified of fire.

8. I don't think there will ever be enough time on this earth to learn everything I want to learn.

9. As J says, "If it's old, my mom will like it."

10. I took ballet and tap dance lessons when I was little and always had a secret desire to be a ballerina.


Becky said...

I love poison dart frogs, too! They're super cute. And scool supplies, and Elvis, and old things. I wonder why we get along? : )

Mandy said...

Hey fun! I learned some new things about you. Who'd have thunk?

Lindsay Jane said...

1. Me too. I could buy and organize them all day.
2. I have some small sense of direction - you may not believe me since you've seen me get lost.
3. I love to organize. Not to the point that I'm obsessed but sometimes I need to sort laundry or organize a closet in order to feel better about my life.
4. Sick.
5. Double sick. No offense.
6. Bizarre - but we all have our quirks.
7. I feel the same way.
8. Ditto.
9. I like new, shiny things a little too much.
10. I never want to be a ballerina. I spent a year on point and almost died my feet hurt so bad.

Sue said...

Man I didn't know Elvis would cure your bad moods! What a great thing to learn ;)

. said...

No way! Poison dart frogs are my FAVORITE animal - I'm not even joking. Ask my kids, they know. And school supplies make me giddy. I have a box - a BIG box where I collect them. Makes me sad to actually have to give them to the kids to use. *sigh* glad I'm not the only crazy!