Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Crazy Little Storm

Last night we had a crazy storm about 11pm or so. I could tell it was raining buckets and hailing and it was so dark out I couldn't see much when I looked out but I had no idea the extent of it until this morning... Here are a few pics of the damage outside.

It looks like snow in July:

Leaves everywhere!

And look at this poor little flower! All the leaves are torn up and the petals were knocked off. There are many plants like this and our summer squash looks polka dotted.

Crazy! And while I was listening to the rain, hail, wind and thunder last night I thought how terrifying it must be to be in a hurricane when things truly are crazy. Especially on a little island in a grass hut. It made me grateful that I have a warm, safe house that's sturdy and that I live in a pretty mild climate where this is about as bad as it gets. I wasn't worried last night, it just made me wonder and be grateful for my blessings.


Sue said...

I'm glad you took the pictures - I didn't have time this morning. The damage to the garden is sad HOWEVER (and this is a big however) we were blessed not to have trees blow onto the house or cars, the power didn't go out and no windows blew out spreading glass everywhere. And there was a tornado warning too. This is what happened a little north of us last night. How thankful we are that damage was minimal.

Celeste said...

Wow, you guys got even more hail than we did! But it was so loud and intense it really had me worried too!

Becky said...

We didn't get any hail, but the lightning and thunder was intense. It lit up our room for quite some time. I was surprised that the kdis didn't wake up! Poor plants! Hopefully you'll still get some veggies from the garden!