Wednesday, May 6, 2009

A Weekend Away

We went to Utah this weekend for baby Cameron's blessing. I had an ear infection and cold all last week including when we left on Friday - this is not so good for packing, in case you were wondering. I forgot my toothbrush (good thing Mandy had a spare!), my hairspray, and my camera! That means I don't have any fabulous pictures to share which is sad because baby Cameron is adorable. And so are his siblings and cousins.

Fortunately, aunt Megan was there with her camera. Check out her blog for some fantastic pictures of Cameron and right below his are some great pics of Amelia! 

Becky was holding Cameron and said that he smiled when she said she's his favorite aunt. I reminded her that he just doesn't know yet cause I haven't been able to hold him yet, being sick and all. Poor little guy. Then she said she's the nurturing aunt cause he just fell right to sleep. I said that's fine. I'm not the nurturing aunt, I'm way more fun. I just get the kids riled up. Then send them home. They love me. heh heh.

Sunday morning was chilly and rainy but the sky cleared up beautifully after church and it was a lovely day until about 5pm. That was a great blessing because we could all enjoy our lunch and visit outside and we had a great time. 

On the way home (I rode w/Becky and her kids - we were the fun car - and Justin went w/my parents in the boring grown up car) Becky and I serenaded the kids - which they loved! Although I don't think they believed us that we were the original crooners for the Phantom of the Opera. Cynics. We even used licorice microphones but the boys just ate theirs, they wouldn't sing along. So they're cynics and party poopers. ;)

Then, out of the blue, Joshie threw a fruit snack at me. I couldn't find it so I opened a bag of Captain Crunch and the war was on. We were all throwing cereal at each other for miles. I even got one in Tiernan's mouth when he was laughing - that was great. I 'm pretty sure Becky has Captain Crunch in every nook and cranny of her car. But let's be honest, they'll want to ride with me every time from now on. 

When we stopped for lunch at Burger King I was laughing about something and Justin said, "Mom, don't start squeeling in here!" In case you don't know, when I start laughing hard it sounds like I'm going to die. Literally. Poor Avery was in tears one time because she really thought something was terribly wrong. Well, there probably is something terribly wrong but the doctor just laughed at me when I told him about it so I'm just going to ignore it. Except when I laugh. It's pretty hard to ignore then. Anyway, I was taking a drink of my Diet Coke just as he said that and it made me laugh harder and I had Diet Coke all down my shirt and on my sandwich. Dang. So at that point I had red fruit snack on my shirt (did I mention that Joshie had licked or chewed the fruit snack before he threw it?) and Diet Coke - lookin' good! It was then I realized that J was definitely riding in the right car (the boring adult car) because, being a teenager and all, he would have been horribly embarrassed in the fun car. Poor kid. It's hard to have such embarrassing relatives. 


Celeste said...

I want to ride in the fun car! You've got to be the best aunt for sure!

Becky Hanlin said...

Ha! I think Justin was sad that he was riding in the boring car! : ) ha ha! It was a fun time - and yes, I do have Captain Crunch EVERYWHERE in my car. But it was worth it! I wonder if the boys will ever ask to listen to "the opera" again, or if they're too afraid to. : ) hee hee.

Megan said...

Haha sounds like an eventful ride home! Way better than sleeping the whole way!:)

Mandy said...

Wow! What a fun trip home. That's one of the ones that will always be remembered with a chuckle.